Monday, August 31, 2015

September 1-4, 2015

Welcome back to our artists and scholars!

This week, we will be reflecting and writing about who we are as artists and where our school journey has taken us as scholars. Students will be expected to write a multi-paragraph narrative essay which expresses their learning journey thus far into their lives and the artists they aspire to be. In this case, we are using the word artist as someone who does something well and with passion. After completing the narrative essay, students will be grading themselves based on a student-created rubric as well as demonstrating their art in the classroom. I look forward to the students being able to express themselves creatively as well as grow in their writing and art capabilities this year. Most of them are already expressing and interest in the art history we've done this year.

I have uploaded all this week's assignments to the moodle, but just in case you have not received login-information, I have also pasted a link to a google doc in the assignments page of this blog.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Mrs. K