We are in our second week of Book Club at school. I hope you're enjoying the books that were selected at school or brought from home. What's important is that we're practicing reading and beginning to see the ways we connect with the central characters in the text. After next week, we'll be doing an art project to highlight the plot of the book, stay tuned for that!
Tuesday: Turn in paragraphs for Studio Day. Today we'll be writing a silly story with our friends in class. Keep reading Book Club book at home!
Wednesday: We'll be learning how to make connections and draw vocabulary out of the text using sticky notes. Each student will be asked to bring a connection and either a new vocabulary word or exciting character description to class on Thursday.
Thursday: Students create a word wall with vocabulary and descriptive text from their book club book. We will study the types of conflict and write a reflection piece about each student's connection and whether or not they face the same conflict in their life. Students are asked to bring in another vocabulary word, character description, or connection to Book Club discussion on Friday.
Friday: Book group discussions. Students will be asked to sit with two-three groups during the class period to discuss characters, plot elements, and descriptive language during their group time.
I'm looking forward to being a part of the different book discussions as well as sharing some of the connections students have made to the reading throughout the week.
Just a reminder-- if you haven't had a chance to schedule a conference, please email me. This is a no-stress time where students, parents, and I can sit and set goals for the year. The young adults are in the driver's seat of setting and staying on top of their learning goals at our school. It's been wonderful to meet with so many bright and excited students this week!
See you soon! Mrs. K