Monday, October 19, 2015

Week of October 20-23, 2015

Hello artists and scholars,

This is going to be a busy week! Here are some important dates to remember before I preview this week's activities:

  • October 20, picture day! 
  • October 20, 5-6pm, Art Exploration Extravaganza-- Seton Hall and performances in the Lecture Hall at 5:10. 
  • October 21, new electives begin at 2:30
  • October 22, 1pm, Jeckyll and Hyde Play at Mater Dei High School (permission slip required)
  • October 23, PTA meeting, 4pm
  • October 26, 4pm, Mrs. K will meet any interested students at Otay Ranch Library for help with book resources for the Inquiry Project
  • October 27-30 Red Ribbon Week (activities to be announced)
The lessons we have scheduled for the week are: 

Tuesday:  Full Inquiry Project guidelines and how to take notes on surveys and interviews. 

Wednesday: Inquiry research continues in class. 

Thursday: Inquiry research continues in class. 

Friday: Book club vocabulary activity: Vocabulary Bingo with book club words. 

As always, we will have art appreciation, writing time, and daily oral language punctuation/spelling practice in our class time as well. 

I'm excited to see everyone this week and the art they've created in electives and in their hard work in the classroom! 

Mrs. K