On Friday, November 20, we are watching this documentary about the Japanese Internment Camps as part of our Teens Change the World literature unit.
After watching the complete film, please write a page paper discussing how this connects to the book in class students are reading and the current world affairs. Since there is a week break, I expect a few thoughtful paragraphs which provide many details and examples of both book connections and probable family discussions about both topics.
Since I did not collect this week's vocabulary work, this assignment will count as double for studio day work.
As a final jumping-off point to our thinking about how to change the world, check out what kid president says and bring some ideas for a service project to school on December 1.
I also recommend getting a copy of your in-class book club book at the library or bookstore and reading while on break. Our books are 300 pages long and need to be finished before Winter break!
See you in December! I miss you already! Mrs. K