Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of December 15-18

It's our last week of the calendar year together! I'm already missing everyone who has gone early to vacations or is missing class because of work or holiday productions!

We still have a busy week as we wrap up our unit on Teens Changing the World.

Tuesday: Reading Workshop. Students take the tests created by the other students and begin to make a study guide for Friday's test. Students may also continue reading their book to finish by Friday.

Wednesday: Students have reading time and a discussion over winter break/end of unit service learning project. Students are asked to go out to their community and change the world in one small way over the break. Some kids have already asked if their family can participate, such as making a family plan to save water in our drought. This is great! I'll send the instructions for documentation later this week. This is a generous, capable group of middle schoolers. I know they can make a positive impact on their community on their way to changing the world!

Wednesday night is also our Art Expo night! Please plan to attend from 5-7pm. There is a full roster of performances! 

Thursday: Finish reading book club book and final study groups. Students will get the opportunity to create story charts and timelines with classmates to check final understanding, comprehension, and themes across the books.

Friday: Book Club book test and party time! This is our first book we've read this year. After this test, students will have read some of the most important works of historical and contemporary writing. There is a lot to celebrate. The kids have been working extremely hard all year and it shows!

Even though this is our last week together this year, I look forward to growing and learning with everyone in 2016! This truly is a group of teens who are capable of changing the world!