Monday, March 7, 2016

Week of March 8-11, 2016

Hello everyone!

This is a short week, and we are beginning to think and prepare for our spring and summer commitments, whether that means high school or soccer or working toward the next grade. Since our grades have been a bit of an issue this semester, I am offering that if any of the work comes in before spring break, I will accept it for full credit. I will also put an extra credit assignment in the work each week to earn extra points until spring break. If you are missing any work, this is an opportunity to raise your grade.

All work is due on Friday for weekly work or Tuesday for studio day assignments. This is the same for every week. There is always a constant expectation that every student is reading a book on their reading level each day for 30 minutes or more.

This week, we'll have a film for the last two periods and we have a non-student day on Friday for an inservice. I'll include activities without the assigned day to them, so that students can do their work on any day of the week. I will also add the extra credit activities for the students to work on the next few weeks.

Sixth Grade: 
Finish the Egyptian crossword:
Build a pyramid:
Watch Cleopatra:
Write a review for a newspaper based on historical accuracy and entertainment value.

Seventh Grade: 
Finish the Renaissance crossword: file:///home/chronos/u-d0738842c064deeb88dfea641252fcaef98349ee/Downloads/Renaissance_Crossword.pdf

Look up the definition of "renaissance man." Write a page discussing what you believe is the modern version of renaissance man/woman and if you are one. Use the rubric from this week's studio day assignment to guide your writing.

Watch: Romeo and Juliet the 1996 version. Parents, please let me know if you opt out of this version so that I can provide an alternative assignment. (I bought this on Amazon, so I don't have a link.)

Eighth Grade:
Finish the Abolition crossword:

Read the following article and write a one page response about how credible the facts are in this piece. You can use the bibliography links at the bottom to research and respond to this essay.

Watch Tecumseh:
Write a one-page written response to current Native American and immigration policies connecting to the themes of this film.

Extra Credit:
Watch Happy: this is a Hulu offering for a free trial or on netflix streaming if you have an account.
Email Mrs. K when you have watched the video for the directions to the assignment.