Friday, April 22, 2016

Studio Day Work April 25, 2016


  • Students will write "found" poetry.


  • Old newspapers and magazines
  • Scissors
  • Envelopes
  • Paper


  1. Before beginning, explain to the children that they will be writing a poem.
  2. Explain the "blank verse" and read the example below.
  3. Then explain the procedure.
    Step 1: Clip interesting words from magazine ads and article titles.
    Step 2: Put the strips in a box or large manila envelope.
    Step 3: Grab a pinchful of strips.
    Step 4: Use the strips as the foundation of a blank verse poem. Let the word strips suggest a topic. Write your poem! 
Given the words:
blast, risk, hunting down, corners, beasts, brain, safety
My brain was once a place of safety.
Now it is filled with risk.
I must begin hunting down
The beasts in the corners of my mind
and blast them from the shadows. 
– A fifth-grade boy