Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Presentations of Learning

Hello Artists and Scholars,

As the final weeks of the semester come to a close, we are now demonstrating everything we've learned over the course of the year so far.

Tuesday/Wednesday: OARS Milestone semester assessment (computer-based, district test for all middle-schoolers).  Some students in my homeroom will do their Presentation of Learning in Mr. Smith's class.

Thursday/Friday: My homeroom will have their presentations of Learning. All middle schoolers will have the opportunity to work on their creative writing story and Ms. Campo's research project. Our daily oral language this week focuses on dialogue and quotation marks.

I will also be sending out a sign-up for my class to do their Learning Plan meetings in two weeks. As a reminder, there will be 12:30 dismissal for those on the week of January 25.

Have a wonderful week! Please email me if you have any questions!