Hello artists and scholars,
I hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend! This week is the final week of the semester. As such, we will be wrapping up our creative writing unit. If students want a chance for a higher grade or additional points for missed work, all work must be in to me by Thursday, January 21 at the latest. After the break, we will be studying playwriting from different parts of the world and historical time periods. I will also be adding in History lessons to those units, which will be tailored to each grade level. I'm looking forward to a very creative and educational spring!
Dates to remember: January 26-29, 12:30 dismissal for learning plan meetings. I will send out an email to my homeroom class this week for signups. Anyone else wishing to check in on their child's grade in English is also welcome to email me for a conference.
Tuesday: Students will discuss the traits of an excellent story and create a rubric for the class.
Wednesday and Thursday: Students will work on editing their drafts and reading other's works to provide feedback to their classmates. Stories are due at the beginning of the period on January 22 and will not be accepted electronically, only printed or handwritten.
Friday: Reading party. Students will be reading their stories aloud and silently, sharing with partners. Partners and the students, themselves, will be grading the stories based on the rubrics designed earlier in the week.
I am looking forward to reading everyone's stories!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at theresa.kurczewski@springscs.org. Have a wonderful week! Mrs. K