Monday, February 1, 2016

Work for the Week of February 2-5, 2016

Sixth Grade: 

1. Read and play around on these links and see if you need to add or modify your poster:

2. After you have completed your poster and research, you and a group of 4 or 5 need to make a model of a Roman village and label it using paper clips and paper. This is due February 16. 

3. Using your research, posters, and vocabulary book, make a coloring book for second graders with one sentence on each page telling the reader/colorer (extra points for using vocabulary words and underlining them!):

  • The villages where the Romans lived. 
  • How Romans spent their time
  • Two significant events in Rome's history
  • Two inventions which made the Romans important in history. 
  • Roman Government
  • Roman entertainment
  • Any other things important to Rome's empire in history
4. Weekly Oral Language Worksheet

Seventh Grade: 

1. Read and play around on this link and see if you need to add or modify your poster:

2. After you have completed your poster and research, you and a group of 4 or 5 need to make a model of a Medieval castle and villiage using paper clips and paper. This also must be labeled. This is due February 16. 

3. Using your research, posters, and vocabulary book, make a coloring book for second graders with one sentence on each page telling the reader/colorer (extra points for using vocabulary words and underlining them!):

  • The feudal estates where the medieval people lived. 
  • How medieval people spent their time
  • Two significant events in medieval history, both in art and history (four events, total!)
  • Two inventions during the middle ages. 
  • Medieval Government
  • Medieval entertainment
  • Any other things important to the European middle ages in history
4. Weekly Oral Language Worksheet

Eighth Grade: 

1. Read the following passages and see if you need to add or delete anything from your poster: 

2. After you and your group have amended your poster and research to reflect the new learning, you and a group of two other people need to write and perform a three minute skit from either the point of view of a homesteader or a Native American to discuss what life was like in 1830 in the middle United States. Please complete this and turn in your script by Friday. Using your vocabulary words will get you extra points, as will historical accuracy and creativity! 

3. Weekly Oral Language Worksheet
4. Read Huckleberry Finn Chapters 10-20

All work is due Friday, February 5 at the end of the period. 

This week's quizzes: eighth grade seventh grade
Write a paragraph summary about the plot of The Haunted House-- sixth grade