Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9-13 Yay!

Here are the basic directions for the week. Please continue to read your 100 pages or more each week!


  • Both classes: read literature book
  • 7th: review inventions of Inca/Maya/Aztec culture, create a KWL of the Mayan and Aztec Calendar.
  • 6th grade: review all the important innovations from each of the Ancient Cultures studied. Students will create a cutout performance of their favorite innovation from the ancient world and why. This should be 3 minutes or less.
  • 6th grade will create the grading rubric for the cutout performance.

  • Both classes: read literature book.
  • 7th, create a visual calendar in the Mayan/Aztec tradition that includes the symbols important to this year in middle school.
  • 6th grade: students will be creating a facial representation of their Ancient person and presenting their cutout presentation of most important innovations of the Ancient world. Students’ choice!
  • 6th grade-- students will be grading classmates’ presentations based on rubric.

  • All classes: read literature book.

  • 8th grade: work on rap of battles of the Civil War and rubric for performance.

  • 7th: Students will gallery walk and write feedback according to what they predict their classmates work represents on their Mayan/Aztec calendar.

  • 6th: students complete their facial representation performances.

All students will be given the vocabulary of “society” and “culture”. For both words, students will write on a large poster, examples from the book which illustrate examples of both the society and culture of the literature books